Can You Accept Your "Good"?

You've asked for beautiful experiences, ease, and help, but are you really ready to receive it? If you've ever been given a compliment and deflected it or have been offered help and refused it (even when you needed it), this message is for you. We ask for good things to happen, but we sometimes don't realize that we are closed off to them. Today, you're being encouraged to remain open to receiving your "good".

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Self-Discovery Journaling Session

You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself. ~Alan Alda - For this self-discovery journaling session you're encouraged to tune into the seat of your intuition ~ Your Gut. You're encouraged to feel into this space, listen to what it has to say, journal about it, and then create an image of this space.

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What Pregnancy Taught Me About Letting Go

Pregnancy was such a wonderful experience for me, but just like following your dreams & birthing new ideas, it comes with its challenges. For months (sometimes years) you don't know what the outcome of your efforts is going to be, and if you're anything like me ~ that scares you. Pregnancy taught me a whole lot about letting go and I'll share the "why" with you in this article.

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Walk As If It's Already Done

Some people think that it's crazy to pretend or to walk as if it's already done. I don't. Everything that was ever created first existed as a thought, that thought evolved into a vision, and so on. For this dose of Monday inspiration, I want to encourage you to walk as if it's already done and then watch what shows up for you.

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Do What Your Soul's Calling You To Do

Happy New Year! We made it! This is the first time that I'm in your inbox for 2017. It feels so good. I figured I'd kick off the new year by letting you know why I do what I do. It wasn't easy deciding to take this path, but there's something important that I want you to know. It's why I do what I do and why I love it. Sometimes, you gotta set the fear aside and do what your soul calls you to do.

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How To Find True Love

Love is on the brain in 2017 - I'm sure for alot of people. If you're still looking for Mr.Right. I have a few tips to help you find him easier. Sometimes, love doesn't look exactly how you picture it in your head. Sometimes, it comes out of nowhere and surprises you. The key is to remain open and it's nice to keep a few more things in mind. Here are 10 tips to help you find true love.

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Put On Your Crown

The new year's almost here. It's time to put on your crown - if you haven't done so already. Put on your crown means to no longer play small. It means to trust yourself. It means to trust your gifts and to recognize the value that you add to this world. It's time. There's a couple of free goodies in here to help you invite in the energy of the new year. Enjoy!

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Start Where You Are - Use What You've Got

We're always waiting for the perfect moment to go after our dreams, to create, or to try something new. The truth is... there is no "perfect moment" per se. You've got to start where you are & use what you've got. I know, I know... that's easier said than done, but you can begin to take small steps in the direction of your dreams. I'm here doing what I love because I started where I was, and I used what I had, and I didn't give up. You can do it too!

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A 10-Minute Technique For Clearing Your Energy Field

As an Intuitive Guide, I'm very sensitive to the energy that's around me. Sometimes just walking into a crowd of people can leave me feeling physically, emotionally, and mentally drained. I learned that I had to find ways to protect, ground, and clear my energy field, and I want to share this quick & effective technique with you. It'll take about 10 minutes of your time, but it's sooooo worth it. You'll feel lighter, clearer, and more grounded as you move through your day. Here's a 10-minute technique for clearing your energy field.

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