Start Where You Are - Use What You've Got

Start Where You Are Use What You've Got.png

I chose to write this article because I can relate to those who feel nervous every time they think about going after their dreams.

It wasn't easy sharing myself with the world through my writing and as an Intuitive Guide.

The journey is sometimes long and you feel uncertain, but I want to give you a little inspiration today.

You can start where you are & use what you've got.

When starting out, everything in my mind told me that I wasn't enough. I didn't have any degrees, I didn't know enough, and I would compare myself to everyone else that was traveling a similar path.

I want to share this quote with you because it did help me stop comparing myself to other people.

"Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle." -Jon Acuff

Those thoughts of not being enough and not having "the right stuff" held me back for a long time, and stopped me from sharing some of my work with the world. I did learn a huge lesson from that period of insecurity however - none of those negative thoughts were true.

I was enough. I did know enough, and I did have the "right stuff" - my stuff, to share.

What I've also learned is - you're never going to be 100% ready.


You're never going to know everything about your field or craft.

Sometimes, you've got to just get out there and do it.

You learn through experience, through trial and error, and through following your intuition.

There's always going to be something you can improve on or one more course that you can take, but that shouldn't stop you from living your passion and sharing yourself with the world.

You don't need another degree, more money, the latest equipment, or everyone to agree with your idea, to get started. If there is a tug on your heart to share yourself in a certain way, just trust that all that you need will show up for you.

You can start right where you are and use what you've got.

As you begin stepping out on your idea, and go through the work, the path becomes clearer.

I couldn't see the whole picture when I decided to create Spirit & Muse.

I just knew that I loved to express myself through writing, I had a dynamic spiritual team - my spirit guides Ray, and I had a desire to reach out and share some of my insights with the world.

Armed with nothing but my laptop, a million ideas running through my head, and a desire to craft something special ~ Spirit & Muse was born.

As I set my intention - to ground the spiritual energy and create resources that helped others tap into their creative core and spiritual center too, the way appeared.

  • I began to step out on my ideas.
  • The path for how I was going to present my work became clearer.
  • I received the support that I needed to keep my website going.
  • & I got clear signs for the services and products that I was going to create.

It's all coming together beautifully.

Trusting my intuition in the beginning was not easy.

The truth is, I am a show-me-the-goods-first kind of girl. I am also a work work work - see the results (a steady paycheck) immediately kind of girl. I really had to learn to let go and trust that I could make something out of nothing, and I did.

You're here reading this because I didn't give up. I used what I had, and it is evolving into something beautiful.

Your gifts & dreams are important, and whatever is stopping you from starting where you are (perfectionism, fear, or your inner critic), those feelings can be shifted.

I want you to put your hand on your heart and say, "I am enough. I know enough. I have enough, and I can start right where I am" #mondayinspiration @SpiritandMuse (Tweet This).

Take one step everyday, in the direction of your dreams.

Let me be clear. I am not recommending that you put yourself in any kind of financial bind or do something drastic without informing those who are closest to you. 

I do recommend however, that you take small steps in the direction of your dreams.

Go take a walk through the neighborhood you would like to live in, work part time in the field that you love, interview someone who is doing what you would love to do, start sharing your artwork on your blog. Things like that. 

I know it's scary, but you can do it. I'm doing it, and you can too.

One step at a time. Believe in yourself, and don't give up. You'll find your way.

Live Well & Keep Creating!


Intuitive Guide

Work With Me

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Photo Source Credit: | @andrewtneel