7 Tips To Help You Move Through Your Fear & Align With Your Dreams

Fear - 7 Tips To Move Through It


So it's back again huh? Good ole fear.

I've been in the grip of it before too. I know exactly how it feels.

It seems to show up whenever you get ready to try something new, expand, or grow, and it really rears its ugly head when you're thinking about going after your dreams.

Fear is debilitating sometimes, and it's a huge block that can hinder your progress (if you don't get a handle on it). 

In Episode 3 of the Designing Your Life Blog Series, Ray ~ my spirit guides, talk about the blocks on your path being ideas/beliefs that you have accepted about yourself, that do not match the blueprint of your desired outcome. 

When Life creates different possibilities for you, it's taking the "whole you" into consideration. What can you do? What are you good at? How can it work? When you operate from fear & doubt however, it doesn't match up with the blueprint of your desired outcome.

That's when you feel the discord. That's when you feel the fear. You're holding thoughts and ideas about yourself & your dreams that are different than your Soul's vision for you.

Fear comes with the territory, and it's only showing you where you currently stand (in relation to that dream). You can shift the fear however, and embrace your dream (wholeheartedly) again.

Here are 7 Tips To Help You Move Through Your Fear & Align With Your Dreams. (Tweet This List)

  • Tip 1: Journal About It ~ Discover Exactly What You Fear
    • Write it all out and say exactly what you fear. Sometimes your fear just wants to be acknowledged. Sometimes, your fear is irrational and you have to calm it down. So give it a voice. Once you know what you're afraid of, you can work to move past it.
  • Tip 2: Recognize Where Your "Fear Voice" Is Stemming From
    • You are a beautiful, capable, and willing human being. Whose voice is it that's telling you that you're not? Is it your mom's voice? Is it your dad's voice? Is it your teacher's voice? Is it the voice from a past experience that's whispering "you can't do it"? Whose voice is it? You'll notice, alot of the time, it's not even your fear. Find out where that voice is stemming from and then redirect that negative energy.
  • Tip 3: Get The Skills You Need To Feel Confident
    • Knowledge is the key. Sometimes we hold ourselves back because we don't feel adequate, prepared, or like we know enough. Don't let "not knowing something" hold you back. Ask questions. Do your research. Watch how-to videos. Where there's a will, there's a way. Get the skills that you need to feel confident on your path.
  • Tip 4: Ask For Help
    • You have a host of spirit guides and angels ready to assist you. They are wonderful assistants because they can see the things that you can't see, and then guide you to them. So ask for their help. Write to them and tell them what you need to live a fulfilled life, and they'll send you waves of inspiration, signs, and things to help you move forward on your path. You can even ask for help to move past your fears, and they'll send you signs for the resources that can help you. So give it a try. You can also work with my spirit guides (Ray) 1:1 in a Soul Session. Follow me here for the details.
  • Tip 5: Focus On The Positive Parts Of Your Dreams
    • Why do you want what you want? Sometimes we fear because we are focused on all of the things that can go wrong, instead of all the things that may go right. What's right about your decision? What's the best thing that could happen - if you decided to go for it? Focus there, and it will help you move forward.
  • Tip 6: Counter Your Negative Thoughts
    • Your fearful thoughts always stem from some kind of insecurity, judgement, or feelings of inadequacy. It's time to switch into higher-self mode. Get a piece of paper and on one side, write down all of your fears. Then on the other side of the paper, switch to your higher-self, and write down a counter for every fear. There is a flip side to every problem. If you were standing in your power, what would you think about dreams? How would you act? If a friend came to you and needed encouragement to follow his or her dreams, what words of wisdom would you offer? Do the same thing for yourself. Be your own guru.
  • Tip 7: Make Your Decision Right
    • Listen, anytime you go to step outside of your comfort zone, your inner critic is going to rear its ugly head. You're going to have to make your decision "right" within yourself. The tension that you're feeling is because you have a judgement or insecurity inside of yourself (about your decision). Examine why you (internally) feel it's wrong to do what you want to do. Once you find out what it is, do your best to soothe it. You can always go back and tweak your desires if your new decision doesn't work out the way you planned. Give yourself that flexibility. Life is fluid. Just decide and then make that decision right (internally). Give yourself the yes.

Well There You Have It ~ 7 Tips To Help You Move Through Your Fear & Align With Your Dreams

Fear is a part of the process, but if we allow it to hold us back, we'll never get anywhere. 

It's important to figure out what you fear, why, and then shift it. You can align with the help and resources that you need to keep moving in the direction of the life that you dream of. You've aligned with one of the resources, right here.

Here's another resource for you ~ A 30-Page "Soul Wisdom For Bringing Your Dreams To Life Guide".

When you sign up for the weekly Spirit & Muse newsletter, you'll get access to the free guide. There are 9 guiding steps for following your dreams, 9 questions to help you breathe new life into your dreams, and so much more. 

You can also read "50+ Things To Remember While Following Your Dreams" for more guidance.

Your dreams want you just as bad as you want them, and I'm here rooting for you to move past that fear and go for it. I hope this list and the resources added here inspire you to keep going ~ you've got this.

Live Well & Keep Creating!


Intuitive Guide

Work With Me 1:1

P.S. If you know anyone else who may benefit from these 7 tips, be sure to pass this list on. You can also share via the social media links below + thx for sharing!

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash