50+ Topics To Blog About

50+ Blog Topics - Starting A Blog


So you're thinking about starting a blog, but don’t know what the heck to write about, or you may be fresh out of ideas for blog topics - does that sound like you?

If so, you're not alone.

I know how it feels to sit there and not have a clue about what to write about, and that “clueless” feeling seems to happen more when I’m on a schedule or have a deadline. My mind just goes blank sometimes, but it doesn’t take much to spark some new ideas.

So, I decided to compile a list of 50+ topics to blog about.

Hopefully, this list sparks something in you, and you’ll be back to writing and sharing your beautiful insight with the world in no time.

Here are 50+ topics to blog about.

1. Write about a life-changing experience.

2. Confess a secret.

3. Write a book review.

4. Write about motherhood.

5. Are you dating? Write about what you've learned from the dating process.

6. Write a product review.

7. Any recent projects? Share your inspiration, photos, and your progress.

8. Picked up a new hobby? Tell us all about it.

9. The pros and cons of a subject you're experienced in (ex. the do's and dont's of writing a blog article).

10. Write about student life (the pressure, exams, graduating, your plans for the future, etc).

11. Got any self-care rituals/routines? Share them with your audience.

12. Write about your profession.

13. Got any relationship advice (ex. how to make it work, tips, how to let go)? Share it.

14. Write about your creative process - if you're an artist.

15. Write about some life lessons.

16. Write about a controversial subject.

17. Involved in any groups or causes (ex. breast cancer awareness)? Share your experience.

18. Is there a diet that has worked for you? If so - spill it.

19. Health Nut or Guru? Share your secrets.

20. Create a how-to list (ex. how to save money with these 4 simple steps).

21. Share your favorite recipe (ingredients, steps, and the story behind the recipe).

22. Create some intuitive art, and share the photos/what inspired you.

23. Remodeling or renovating your home? Blog about the process and share some pics.

24. Share the products and apps that work best for you.

25. The latest fashion trends - blog about them. Do you hate them or love them?

26. Write a love letter (to the broken-hearted, new mommies, or those in need).

27. Tell your audience an embarrassing story and what you learned from it.

28. Love pinning on Pinterest? Share some of your boards and the inspiration behind them. Here are my moodboards.

29. Have you overcome anxiety, fear, or depression? Blog about how you overcame it.

30. Are you a writer? Share your poetry, short stories, or ideas for new pieces.

31. Share a manifestation or synchronicity story.

32. Share a "How I Stopped" story (ex. smoking, playing small, hating myself).

33. Run a successful business? Give others advice on how to do the same.

34. What's lighting you up? Share your favorite places, blogs, Instagram accounts, etc.

35. Blog about your journey (ex. weight loss journey, going vegan, pregnancy journey).

36. Blog about current events. What hits close to home? Blog about it.

37. Create a gratitude list and share it. You may inspire others to do the same.

38. Give us a behind the scenes look at your workspace.

39. Holistic healer? Give us some feel-good tips, detoxing secrets, and alternative healing methods.

40. Show some of your favorite things, and blog about why you love them.

41. Got a quote that you are tired of hearing? Write about your take on it.

42. Got a quote that has completely changed your life? Write about your take on it.

43. Get vulnerable. Open up and share your tender story. You'll be surprised who relates to you.

44. Love to travel? Share you pics, lodging info, restaurants, hot spots, etc.

45. Computer whiz? Share some tips & tricks with us. We could all use some help keeping up.

46. Need help making a decision? Ask your audience, and use the helpful advice.

47. Are you a crafter? Blog about how to make the cool stuff that you make.

48. Was there a moment when you followed your gut, and it paid off? Share that story.

49. What's the biggest mistake you've ever made and the lessons you learned from it?

50. Share some fun facts. What do people not know about you?

51. Who's your favorite spiritual teacher, and what have you learned from him or her?

52. Write a letter to your younger self and share it.

Well, there you have it - 50+ topics to blog about. 

I know it's not always easy to come up with new material or fresh ideas, but like I said in the "Creative Expression & The Fear Of Spontaneity" article, the muse is always there. Inspiration's everywhere; you just have to open to seeing it in different ways.

Live Well & Keep Creating!


Intuitive Guide

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