How To Start A Blog - 9 Simple Tips + Valuable Resources To Help You Get Started



Starting a blog is an awesome way to get your stories, ideas, and creations out there.

Say you’re a traveler who wants to show where you’ve been. Or a photographer who wants to share how you see. It doesn’t matter if you are a painter, a healthcare professional, or bee keeper, if you have a point of view to share ~ blogging is an awesome way to share it.

The possibilities are endless, and when the possibilities are endless…

You can become extremely overwhelmed with the information available.

That brilliant “I want to start this” feeling can become a “No way ~ I don’t even know where to start” feeling rather quickly. Slow down some - because I’ve got you covered! I’m going to give you 9 simple tips + some valuable resources to help you get started. With some planning + help, you’ll have your blog up and running in no time.

Sound good?

If so, let’s get started with busting a couple of myths about blogging.

  • Myth #1 - You have to be an expert to start blogging.

    Wrong. You don’t have to know everything about blogging or be a professional writer before you begin. I started and grew my blog from scratch (more details on that later) and you can too!

  • Myth #2 - Blogging will take up so much of your time.

    Wrong. Starting a blog and creating content does take some time, but planning out your content in advance can help tremendously.

  • Myth # 3 - It’s going to cost way too much to start a blog or a website.

    Wrong. Some website platforms do cost money, but it’s a reasonable cost. There are also several blogging platforms that do not charge for a basic membership. So do not let the idea of spending money get in the way of starting this.

Having a blog is like having a cozy spot in a cafe ~ where people come to hear and see what you (specifically) have to offer.
— Spirit & Muse Quote

I’ve been blogging for a little over 6 years now and I grew my blog organically.

I started this all from scratch and I’m a one-woman-band. It did take some research, planning, and modeling to get a flow that worked for me, but it was so worth the time. Spirit & Muse started as a way to offer inspiration + insight in the creative field. I did not have any experience when I first started blogging. I was still however, able to grow my readership from 200 people a year to about 30,000 people a year (finding benefit and inspiration from what I offer here).

Two hundred to 30,000 readers a year! I’ll take that + I appreciate all of you! I can confidently say, you don’t have to know a thing to get started because I didn’t know a thing before I got started.

The best part of having this space is when I receive touching emails from readers who say…

You’ve helped me get through this.

You’re the reason I kept going.

Your content is so helpful and inspiring.

Writing and blogging is so worth the effort.

It takes patience, some knowledge, and practice, but if you stick with it ~ it can be extremely rewarding. With that said, I’d like to encourage you to get started. We’ll dive into 9 simple tips + links to valuable content to help you grow your blog (as time goes on). Starting a blog doesn’t have to be difficult.

It will be a whole lot easier with some key points to focus on.

here are 9 simple tips + valuable Resources to help you get started

1.Decide On Your Theme/Focus

(What is your blog going to be about?)

  • Are you a person who loves to travel and wants to document that? Are you a teacher who has insightful wisdom about navigating the teaching space during a pandemic? Are you a photographer who wants to share your portfolio + process? Or are you a writer/creator (like me), who just has some insight + inspiration to share? All is welcomed in the blogging space. There are so many different blogs (with so many different personalities). You can pretty much create ~ anything. Remember, this is your space in the cozy cafe of the blog field. Decide who you want to be in that space.

Are you a teacher, a guide, a poet, or someone who creates funny stories to read? Get clear on what your blog is going to be about and the themes for your content.

2. Choose A Blogging Platform

(What platform do you want to use to publish your blog?)

  • Squarespace is the platform that I use for my Spirit & Muse website. The platform is user friendly, they have so many drag-and-drop/easily editable templates to choose from, and it’s cost-effective.

  • There are also several blogging platforms that are free (with basic memberships), and they offer options for an upgrade - as your blog grows. I’m only going to offer what I know here. I’ve worked with all of the websites that I am about to mention, but I find Squarespace to be the most user friendly and cost-effective.

Here are some free blog hosting platforms: | |

Each website offers a free blog (for basic memberships) and a list of their costs and features (for upgrades). Just scroll to the top of the page and go to the pricing tab for each. You’re also able to view some templates before you officially start your website or blog.

3. Decide On Your Blog Name

(What do you want your blog’s name to be?)

Let’s not get discouraged here. We’re just planning. If you’re not sure, it’s okay. Sometimes, the name of your blog comes after you get a feel of what you want to create.

Here are some tips to help you select a name for your blog.

  • Look at the blogs that you read ~ what’s catchy about their names? Pattern that!

  • Make sure your blog name is relevant to the industry or field you’ll be writing about.

  • Make sure your blog name stands out.

  • Make sure it’s something people can remember and type easily.

  • Nothing too racy or too woo woo. People get turned off quickly (if they get a negative first impression). Le’t avoid that.

  • Using your name or an abbreviated version of your name is also a good idea (if it’s a lifestyle blog). That works too!

Remember short and sweet. You don’t want your website being That’s really long and your readers are not going to want to type that out every time to find you. But something like or are short and sweet + something others will remember. Just jot down some ideas. When it’s the right one, you’ll know it!

4. Choose Your Color Scheme


(What colors embody the mood you want to give off for your blog?)

This part of the process can be a lot of fun! Your website doesn’t need to be perfect to make an impact, but it does help if it’s aesthetically pleasing. The colors you choose are going to be closely connected to the “mood” you want to display.

  • If you’re a painter, you may want to choose vibrant colors. If you’re a naturalist you may want to use more earthy tones (like browns and greens). Each color says something. There’s a whole thing called color psychology (which I am not an expert on, but there’s a lot of information available to help you out). It takes just a little research to find some colors that match the mood that you’re trying to display for your blog.

Be sure to keep your photos and text in line with your color scheme.

Here’s an awesome color psychology chart + article for choosing the best color palette for your brand by Fourteen Creative Co.

5. Valuable Content Is Key

(Readers love valuable content.)

Okay, so your blog is about you - yes, but… it’s also about your readers. Think about what makes you go to a website. There’s something that grabs your attention and keeps you wanting more. There’s a reason you’re on that website. Your blog is no different. When you’re creating your content, make sure there’s something there that can provide either entertainment, inspiration, or tools for your reader to indulge in.

  • If you’re showing your art - show behind the scenes photos of your process.

  • If you’re blogging about your book - share a sample read.

  • People want a reason to come back to your blog.

Valuable content is any content that shows how to do something, helps people learn, or inspires them (in any way). So go for it, but make sure to keep your readers in mind. What keeps you reading? Go ahead and work some of that magic into the content (blog posts) you create.

6. Clear (High-Resolution) Photos Matter

(Take and choose photos that are clear for your blog.)

Let me ask you a question. You come across two different blogs and these are the photos for each blog. Which one stands out and grabs your attention?


Chances are, you chose number 2. Believe it or not, if your images are blurry, have misc stuff in the background, or the colors are distorted ~ it may scare people away. It’s not to say that your blog isn’t awesome, but again - first impressions matter. So let’s choose photos that are clear and that represent the message you are trying to convey.

If you don’t have your own photos to showcase - yet ~ no worries. Here are few websites that offer royalty free (high-resolution) images for your blogs (for personal use).

There’s also an awesome website ( for editing photos and making them pinnable for Pinterest (just like the image at the top of this blog post). You can add text on the top of the photo and Pin it to Pinterest. (Be sure to link the pinnable image to your new blog article). Pinning is an awesome way to get more blog traffic. I would not have survived this long blogging without Canva + Pinterest. They are awesome resources and they’re free!

7. Planning Matters

(Having an idea of how you want to create, helps.)

It’s important to get an idea of what you want to blog about and how frequently you want to do it.

Keep a small notebook of ideas for your blog. That way if you ever need help deciding what to post, you’ll have some ideas available. You also want to have an idea of how much time you can dedicate to creating this. Do you want to post once a week, once a month, two times a week, etc? You don’t have to post every day to make a positive impact.

Once a week (if possible) is fine.

8. Some Copywriting Skills Are Required

(What you write - has to grab people’s attention.)

Copywriting (not copyrighting) is the magic of how you deliver your words. What you say, how you say it, and if you grab their attention matters. Copywriting can be compared to a captivating singer (but through writing). That singer will draw you in, cause you to feel, and help you take action. It’s a whole experience.

The same goes when you’re crafting your content.

It has to mean something. It has to draw people in and make an impact. Writing good copy keeps you at the forefront of a person’s mind. It’s the sauce that’s going to keep them coming back to hear what you have to say. We’re not talking about just saying words that sound good. You want to remain genuine, down-to-earth, relatable and you want that to come across in the content that you create. Your audience will love that!

9. Inspiration’s Everywhere

(Seriously, there’s no shortage of inspiration + resources to help you get your dream up and running.)

In this case, you want to start a blog and don’t know exactly how to start. Now you know a little more + you can figure it out as you go. I did, and I know you can too. I hope this article breaks down some of the basics, and I hope you’re inspired to start creating your space. Once you get your blog up and running, drop by and leave your blog in the comments below. I’ll be sure to stop by and say hello.

One more thing- In time, as your blog grows, these additional resources will help you stay inspired. I’m here to point you in the right direction - these ladies have the nitty-gritty on how to expand your reach.

Elle & Company | by Lauren Hooker - For in-depth blogging tips + squarespace hacks + website design

Melyssa Griffin | - For in-depth blogging tips + resources for taking your blog/business to the next level

Marie TV | by Marie Forleo - For copywriting tips, creativity tips, business tips, pretty much everything ~ just go there

Well, There You Have It - 9 Simple Tips + Resources To Help You Get Started With Your Blog

You don’t have to be an expert to start blogging.

As long as you have access to some basic information and helpful resources, you’re all set to go. So get the knowledge you need, write down some ideas, and go for it. There’s no wrong way to do this. You can always tweak or change things as you go. As your blog grows you’ll be inspired to create in new ways + you know I’m here for that!

Live Well & Keep Creating!


P.S. Is this article right on time? If so, go ahead and leave a message in the comments below. I would love to hear from you. Also, if you know another heart-centered creator who would love this article, feel free to share it. Don’t be shy ~ it may be the nudge they need to start that blog or website they’ve been dreaming about. Go for it!