Where's My Soul Mate? 7 Things To Remember While Searching For Love



Love is in the air.

Valentine’s Day is almost here and this time of year has many people asking, when they’re going to find their love (their person ~ the one they can do life with)? If you’ve already found your person, you may be questioning how can you reconnect after so many years of being together? How can you form a more meaningful connection with the one you love?

valentine's heart stick figure card - soul mate + love
A gentleman from the Spirit & Muse community wrote in a couple of weeks ago wondering how he could stop being so addicted to love.
— Spirit & Muse Community Question

It’s natural for us to crave a union that is meaningful. Our natural impulse is to feel appreciation for and find connection with, other people. Love is your most natural state of being. So, it’s not necessary to try and fight against that natural urge.

The deeper the connection, the more it reminds us of home.

Naturally, we would want to gravitate towards the people and feelings that remind us of home. Sometimes though, it doesn’t happen right away, and it will leave you wondering if you’re worthy of love. The constant search for love will also leave you wondering if you should give up on the concept altogether.

I know the question in the air (especially around this time)…

Where’s my soul mate? Here are 7 things to remember while searching for love.

1.Love is a flow.

(Love is finding appreciation for and connection with another person.)

There’s a lot going on nowadays that is hindering people from expressing their natural flow. People are wrapped up in the thick of their lives, so they may not be open to receive love right away. Please don’t limit the love you’re allowed to receive, by thinking it has to only come from your soul mate. So many forms of love are trying to reach you.

Let them in. Remember, you’re looking for the feeling of home and affinity with another person. That can come from many different connections.

2. You may not recognize it right away.

(Your soul mate may not be exactly what you’ve envisioned.)

You may be looking for someone who’s 6’5”, curly hair, handsome blah blah blah, but the person that you could have a connection with is 6’3”. If you’re looking for specifics, you may not even notice the one right next to you that’s a perfect match. He or she is not even in your field of vision because you keep looking for a specific characteristic.

Remain open to other possibilities (outside of the specifics).

3. You can flow love Anyway.

(You can flow love, without taking action right away.)

What discourages some people (from pursing love) is that they take action before the timing is right. You can flow love to someone by just thinking about them. Hold them in your mind’s eye. Flow appreciation their way (through your thoughts). You don’t have to make a move right away. If they are ready to receive that love, you’ll connect with them. Life will find an opportunity to bring you two together. There’s a broader being at work, you don’t have to handle all aspects of creating the meeting. It will happen, if both of you are willing.

If not, it may not be the right time or the connection that will serve you best.

4. Take care of yourself (in the meantime).

(Give yourself what you need.)

Sometimes, when we’re waiting on love (or trying so hard to reconnect), we reject what we need most ~ well-being. We’re waiting for someone else to give us the love and affection that we’re so desperately seeking. The yearning is real, but it doesn’t have to come from outside.

You can turn that love inward, often, and without apology. Your need for well-being is still important. Even when you haven’t found “the one”. Even if you’re not connecting in the best possible way. You still have to remember yourself. You don’t have to wait to give yourself what you need.

Your well-being is more important than finding love (right this second). If the action is taking away from your well-being, pause and let the topic rest for just a little while.

5. What you seek, is real.

(Continue to imagine the best.)

Sit with your idea. Envision the best. Get a feeling of it. It’s real for you. That feeling that you’re wanting to experience is real. It can be. You can find appreciation for and deep connection with ~ another person, and you can have that love reciprocated. It may not be the exact way that you’ve envisioned, but the essence of it is possible.

Feel into it. When it’s real ~ you’ll know it. Remember to focus on the feeling while searching for love.

6. Try not to limit yourself.

(Sometimes, our vision is too rigid.)

Please don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. I’m not in any way asking you to settle for a relationship that doesn’t fulfill your needs. All I’m saying is maybe, your soulmate (your love) is someone you haven’t considered.

Maybe, it’s someone who doesn’t have the exact look you’re dreaming of. They may be a different nationality, have a different height, or have different features than you’ve been imagining. There are so many potential mates.

It’s awesome to have a vision, but don’t limit it to needing to be that “exact” way. Reach for the feeling. Not features.

Here’s an interesting TED Talk - one where Ashley Clift-Jennings found her soulmate. After a few years of marriage a secret was revealed that would change her and her husband’s life forever. It’s a thought-provoking video. If you’re open to it, take a look. Things aren’t always what they seem. This is her experience in finding love. It shows you that you can search, find the perfect match, and it still may turn out completely different than you expect.

7. You are whole.

(Whether you have a partner or not, you are whole.)

I know you crave a meaningful connection with another person, but when it starts making you feel like you’re less than (because you don’t have that), it’s important to take a step back. You are still a whole human being, with or without a partner. You are still a breathing, pulsing flow in this space. Don’t diminish your entire existence because you haven’t found love or because you’re having trouble connecting in the way you would like. Life is fluid.

There’s so many different chances for things to change. You are whole and life is fluid. Trust that.

Well, There You Have It ~ 7 Things To Remember While Searching For Love.

I truly do wish you the best in your quest to find love or your quest to rekindle the romance in your life. Remember, it’s the feeling of appreciation for and connection with another person that you’re looking for.

There are so many potential mates. There are also so many different ways to experience that feeling, without it being a relationship. All we ever want to feel is at home within ourself and a sense of well-being.

While you search for those connections, remember to let love in (in whatever form it may show up in).

Live Well & Keep Creating!

Renee Brooks (Intuitive Guide + Creator Of Spirit & Muse)

(Intuitive Guide)

Work With Me 1:1

P.S. Is this message right on time? If so, let me know in the comments below. I would love to hear from you. Also, if you know anyone else who would love this list, send it over to them. It may be the exact love note they need + thanks for sharing!

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