10 Tips For Taking Imperfect Action

woman holding pencil - journaling - action


What stops you from taking action ~ from stepping out on that idea or moving forward in your experience?

Speaking from my own personal experience, it can sometimes be a mixture of things, but no matter what the reasons are, they all boil down to one feeling that we’re afraid to experience. That feeling is FEAR.

It’s that simple.

We don’t take action because we’re afraid.

  • Afraid it may not be the right move.

  • Afraid of being criticized.

  • Afraid we’ll receive backlash.

  • Afraid of being under-qualified or of getting rejected.

  • Afraid that mercury is in retrograde and so on.

Fear of taking imperfect action will have you questioning everything, until you end up feeling so blocked that you don’t take any action at all.

There is a way to work with fear however, and to move forward anyway. You’re not going to completely rid yourself of fear, but it does help to put fear in its proper place.

Fear should not be be driving most of your decisions. Leave it up to FEAR, and you’ll be riding around in circles wondering why you’re not getting anywhere.

Do you know how many dreams go untouched because people fear taking imperfect action? Do you know how many ideas don’t get shared because people don’t think they are good enough to act on? Soooooo many dreams and ideas get tossed aside because people are afraid to take imperfect action.

Let’s not make that a habit.

You don’t have to wait for all the stars to align, or for some miracle sign, or for someone else to tell you it’s okay to move before you take action. The power is yours - right now, and I’ve got a few tips to help you step into that power.

Here Are 10 Tips For Taking Imperfect Action (Tweet This List)

  1. Decide

    • Nothing is going to move, until you make the decision to go for it ~ to step out on faith and to start moving in the direction that you see for yourself. Do it or don’t do it, but don’t dwell on it. Decide.

  2. Intention

    • This is so important. Just setting an intention to do something can be a huge step in the right direction. Set your intention for taking the action. What are you setting out to do? Why? Write it down and trust in your intention for the action.

  3. Do What You Believe Is Right

    • Make sure that what you’re getting ready to do, lines up with what you actually feel is right, and if it doesn’t, move it around until it feels right within. Align your actions with what you feel is the right thing to do. If the idea feels misaligned, maybe there’s something that will flow better for you ~ take that action instead.

  4. Trust Your Ideas

    • This is another big one. Anytime you get the inspiration to do something, you have some ideas for how to get it started. Do that. Inspiration doesn’t give you any idea without some starting point (some idea for the first step to take). Trust that those ideas are a part of the process.

  5. Learn About It

    • Not sure you know what you’re doing? Learn about it. Watch some videos, get some books, get an idea of how it works first, and then move. You’ll just feel so much more confident in your movement, when you know what you’re doing or when you have an idea of how to bring it to fruition.

  6. Meditate

    • Giving yourself space inside is huge. So I recommended just 15 minutes a day to clear your mind. Meditating allows you space to breathe and gather yourself. When you meditate you think clearer, you have space inside to deal with whatever comes your way, and you feel more capable of doing what you set out to do. It loosens the cords inside so that you can flow easier. Give it a try.

  7. Ask For Help

    • Do you know anyone that is doing what you’d like to do or someone who’s experienced what you would like to experience? If so, ask for help. Ask them for some tips on how they did it.

  8. Leave Room For Flow

    • We don’t take action sometimes because we’re afraid it won’t be great (right from the jump). It’s OKAY if it’s not. Nothing is perfect right away. Leave room for flow. Sometimes you have to actually do it, get a feel for what’s going on, and then tweak it along the way. Leave room for things to shift and change along the way.

  9. Discuss It With Your Source or Higher Power

    • Sometimes it feels nice to just state what your intentions or your plans are to your Higher Power (God, Source, All That Is, The Universe). Life is listening. There is a real, steady, right here - right now presence paying attention. So give it over to that Source and listen because it’ll send you cues for how to make things better or for new positive steps to take.

  10. Start Today

    • Just do it. You can start by writing it down and then move to the next tiny step. You don’t have to wait another day. You can take one step in the direction of your choice right now.

Well There You Have It ~ 10 Tips For Taking Imperfect Action.

I hope this list helps remind you that you already have the power to take action. If your fear is really sounding the alarm, follow me here for some additional guidance.

All you’re really looking for is reassurance, and that doesn’t have to come from anything external. You can give yourself that reassurance right now. You can set your intention, do what’s right, give it your best, and let the results show up however they decide to.

And let me just add this little disclaimer, I am not at all saying to do something that terrifies you or that is going to put you in a worse situation, that is not what I’m saying at all. But there are some things that your heart may want to do (creatively or experience wise) ~ things that feel like a YES inside, and you may be afraid to move forward. For those things, I say ~ take one step in that direction (today).

In the end, you’ll know that you gave your all and you did it ~ you showed up for yourself, you stepped out on your ideas, and trusted in your ability to take action. That’s all that really matters ~ building that trust in yourself and in what you know you’re capable of doing.

You’ve got this!

Live Well & Keep Creating!


Intuitive Guide

P.S. Do you know anyone else who'll love this quick tip list? If so, you can share it via the social media links below + thx for sharing. Image Source Credit: Unsplash.com | Alexa Williams