It's Your Move - Always Has Been; Always Will Be



Your authentic expression is important to you. However, at times it may feel like you have to wait on someone else to decide your path. If you feel like that, I ask that you consider this... It’s your move. Always has been; always will be.
— Renee B. (Intuitive Guide)

That’s a pretty bold statement isn’t it?

“It’s your move. Always has been; always will be.” Your initial response may be to disagree with me, but let me explain.

If you set an alarm clock, no matter how many times it rings - it can’t make you move. You're the one who sets the alarm. You're the one who stops it. You're the one who ultimately decides when to get up. Likewise, there is no sign asked for, that can make you move per se. You decide which sign, is the sign you’re going to act on.

You may be uncertain, feel unsafe, or not be 100% ready - and that’s fine. Take those truths into account instead.

  • You're not ready.

  • You don't trust it.

  • It’s going against your normal structure.

All valid points, but it's still your move. I don't point that out to frustrate you. It's just that now (more than ever) we're being nudged to recognize the part we play in the puzzle. We're not separate from this creation of life. You may think that something is not moving, but ask yourself one simple question…

Have I moved (regarding this thing) or am I still waiting on someone else to decide for me?

Your move could be:

  • Getting clarity before deciding.

  • Meditating or praying.

  • Removing yourself from the situation.

  • Applying for the position.

  • Healing your perception about it.

  • Moving through the fear to do it anyway.

  • Or sometimes it's even surrendering and letting it go.

You’ve got options. You just may not have the ideas out in front of you (easily accessible). No worries - I’ve got you covered. Check out the it’s your move list below.
— - Renee B. (Intuitive Guide)


(Print/Save This List Or Create Your Own If You're Inspired)

There Are Some Many Things You Can Do

Try not to get discouraged by the things you can’t change.

I encourage you to use the list whenever the energy is feeling stagnant or it feels like things aren't flowing in a harmonious way.

If you feel like you’re just having trouble getting started (like procrastinating), here’s a positive reframe by Mel Robbins.

You're the conduit. You're the receiver here. If you feel like you've already re-routed the energy to a clearer stream, then leave it at that. Try surrendering to what is, knowing that you did the best you could. No need to keep spending energy on what you've addressed. Put that energy to better use and move on to the next creation.

It's your move. Always has been and always will be.

Live Well & Keep Creating!


P.S. Share your insight! Be sure to tap the heart to like this post and leave a comment below. You never know who you’ll inspire with the insight you share. Thanks in advance!